Complete Your Health Needs with These Seeds

Starting from flax seeds, to chia and pumpkin seeds, each seed has something unique to provide. They are nutty, crunchy and delicious superheroes, which can provide you with all the essential vitamins, minerals and strength you need.

Ever wondered which seeds may fit your needs? Here are our top 3:

  1. Flaxseeds

Also known as linseeds, are a great source of fiber and omega-3 fats, particularly alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). However, the omega-3 fats are contained within the fibrous outer shell of the seed, which humans can't digest easily. Therefore, if you want to increase your omega-3 levels, it’s best to eat flaxseeds that have been ground


2. Chia seeds

Chia seeds have a soft, creamy texture and are one of the most popular super foods. Thanks to their health benefits, you will see them being used in salads, smoothies and even desserts. They are extremely rich in calcium.


3. Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds may be associated with reduced inflammation in middle-aged and older people, which may help reduce the risk of heart disease. An observational study of more than 6,000 adults found that a high intake of nuts and seeds was associated with reduced inflammation


When consumed as part of a healthy diet, seeds can help reduce blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure. Go to your nearest supermarket and grab a handful of these! 

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